Coming Soluvos Academy events and representation on conferences and fairs.KNO EXPOSANTEN BEURS | 21 – 22 November 2019
Tijdens dit congres tonen wij onze ARC Laser, Boston Medical, bess, Renú Voice, Restech, RefluxBand productlijnen voor de KNO artsen van Nederland. Kom langs op onze stand en ontdek het innovatieve assortiment van Soluvos Medical.
PEVOC | 27-30 of August 2019
The Pan-European Voice Conference is a multi-disciplinary conference for professionals working with the human voice. We are very happy to announce, that the next PEVoC will take place in Copenhagen, Denmark, August 27th-30th in 2019!
Thyroplasty and injection courses Hamburg
On the 5th of september we will be hosting a soluvos academy event in Hamburg testing our lasers of our supplier ARC Lasers. During this course you will be learning a lot. Don’t miss out!